Recorded Virtual Schooling Sessions
Here are a couple of recorded sessions that are available for you to review that deal with virtual schooling.
From The Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research or CIDER...
And from the Horizon Wimba Desktop Lecture Series...Social Presence in a Web-Based Synchronous Secondary Classroom
Facilitator: Eric Nippard
Institution: Memorial University
Date and time: Jun 01, 2006 12:00 PMThe purpose of this study was to explore how social presence manifests itself in the web-based synchronous secondary classroom. Data were gathered using structured and semi-structured observation of classes and semi-structured interviews of teachers who work in the synchronous secondary classrooms of NL, Canada. Findings revealed that social presence was manifested through several categories of a revised instrument for identifying social presence. Social presence manifested itself for students through the use of text-based Direct Messaging and for teachers through use of two-way audio. Students relied on the conventions of communication of informal synchronous chat to manifest social presence. The archived recording of this session is available at:
The Next Step in K-12 Online Education
Originally Aired: June 2, 2006 at 2pm [To be rescheduled]
Presented by: Steve Montano, Choice 2000 Virtual High School (CA) & Mark Gensimore, (PA)
The Benefits of Live Instruction at K-12 Schools!
Originally Aired: November 11, 2004
Presented by: Jim Rieger, Tim Scobie, and Margaret Dupuis
>> View this Archived Demo
Finally, from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory/Learning Point Associates.
New Research on K–12 Online Learning: Guidance for Policy and PracticeIf you know of others, feel free to pass them on...
Thursday, December 1, 2005, NCREL hosted a Webcast featuring the following experts:
Susan Patrick, President & CEO, NACO
Dr. Patrick Dickson, Michigan State University
Dr. Catherine Cavanaugh, University of North Florida
Elizabeth Pape, CEO of VHS, Inc.
Dr. Robert Blomeyer, Learning Point AssociatesAt the request of participants, this post-event site houses an archive of the Webcast, copies of the slides shown by the panelists, and a few links discussed during the event.
Webcast Archive
A recording of the live Webcast is available for viewing. When you log in, the replay number you need is 1494162730.
Tags: virtual school, cyber school, high school, education
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